Although antipsychotics are the mainstay of treatment in severe mental illness (SMI), their use is associated with an increased risk of diabetes; the prevalence of diabetes is increased 2–3 folds in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.1 Patients with schizophrenia die 15–20 years earlier than the general population, with the leading cause of mortality being cardiovascular disease.1
Epidemiology of diabetes and SMI
Dr. Richard Holt (University of Southampton, UK) shared a rather sobering quote from Henry Maudley, who lived 1835–1918: “Diabetes is a disease which often shows itself in families in which insanity prevails.” In other words, the link between SMI and type 2 diabetes (T2D) has long been known. Precise prevalence rates of T2D in patients with SMI are unclear, as people from this population are often reluctant to participate in epidemiological studies, and as many as 70% may be undiagnosed.1 A further meta-analysis of 14 studies involving 2,186 people with SMI found that the prevalence of diabetes mellitus was 10.9%.1 The consequences of T2D in this group are more severe, with higher rates of microvascular and macrovascular complications, acute metabolic dysregulation and diabetes-related deaths.2
The prevalence of diabetes is increased 2-3 folds in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
Improving diabetes outcomes in people with SMI
Dr. Holt pointed out that many factors contribute to the development of T2D in patients with SMI: genetics, gene-environment interactions, inflammation, neuroendocrine mechanisms, poor diet, poverty and deprivation, physical inactivity, taking antipsychotic medication and smoking.1 In order to improve outcomes, health care providers must intervene in this complex cycle wherever possible. Dr. Holt recommends an integrated approach, consisting of better screening, lifestyle counselling/modifications, psychotherapeutic interventions and addressing health inequities experienced by patients living with SMI. For instance, patients with SMI receive inferior cancer care, cardiovascular care and are screened less for eye and foot comorbidities associated with diabetes.1,2
Changing antipsychotics to one associated with less weight gain may be an option
Pharmacological strategies to improve diabetes outcomes in patients with SMI include changing antipsychotics to one that is less prone to result in weight gain, and possibly using pharmacological agents, such as sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors, and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs) to support weight loss.
SMI : severe mental illness
UK : United Kingdom
T2D : type 2 diabetes
GLP-1 RAs : glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists
BE-NOTPR-0334 approval date 08/2023